The Colors of Fall

Fall is my favorite time of year. There’s just something about perfect camping weather, the smell of a campfire, football games, chili cooking in the kitchen, and the colors of the trees that makes me smile. Over this past weekend, Bryan and I threw some clothes in the saddle bags and took a ride through parts of Arkansas to see these colors…with me taking pictures along the way.

Mountain View, Ar

We left Heber and headed toward Mountain View with Blanchard Springs Caverns in mind. They weren’t open to visitors (Covid-19 maybe?) and many areas were blocked off due to new construction work. This was disappointing because I really wanted to take pictures of the rock “cave.” However, I was able to get a few good shots in and around the area.

Harrison, Ar

After leaving Mountain View, we rode on up toward Harrison. Bryan had read about Maplewood Cemetery and how vibrant the sugar maples were supposed to be this time of year. I think we could’ve waited a little while longer before we visited, as I was wanting to see vivid reds pop, but it was still very pretty. As far as cemeteries go, I believe this one to be one of the most beautiful ones I have seen in my lifetime.

Rose Hill is another beautiful cemetery found in Harrison. We actually saw this one first thinking we had found the “famous” Maplewood. Just look at the stunning yellow!

We then rode on into Branson, MO where we visited a few places there (check out my previous post about Bat’s Blood!) before heading back home to Heber.

Heber Springs, Ar

Sometimes, after people live in an area for so long, maybe even their whole lives, the beauty of the area starts to fade. It’s not that the town has lost it’s attractiveness, for lack of a better word, it’s just that our eyes overlook it. I’m not from Heber. I’ve only lived here for about 8 years and I’ve noticed that even myself have started to take this beautiful town for granted. That’s why I love when Bryan and I take off on adventures. It’s not to leave our town behind really, but to maybe be able to see it from fresh eyes upon our return. So with that being said, here are some beautiful fall pictures from around our little town…some from this weekend and others from my previous years. Hope you enjoy!

Posted by Cruising the US

I am a K-12 Technology Director and Robotics Teacher. My husband, Bryan, plays in the dirt...he's a backhoe operator. We love to travel and prefer to do it by bike. There is nothing better than flying down the road on a perfect-weather day and seeing what all the world has to offer.

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